Thursday, June 28, 2012

Today we wake up after a cool night to greet a cool morning. Today is the day we sleep later. Given the level of activity, it is good for the campers to get an extra hour and a half of sleep. Breakfast normally starts at 7:15, but today breakfast starts at 8:45.

After breakfast and flag raising, the campers went for devotional time and bible classes. Kendall Hooper gave the flag talk today.

Continuing to follow the movie theme, we are in Scene 3: God calls a people to walk with him. Sherry Murray led the classes for the younger campers and Danny led the classes for the older campers.

We all were given a rock today to represent the hard things in our life that make it difficult to walk with God. The younger campers took a journey the mess hall to the entrance to camp. One the way they encountered "manna", and "water from a rock". All of this was in the context of Israel and their wandering in the desert.

Danny talked about how God led the nation of Israel with a cloud by day and with a pillar of fire by night, how with this God was always in front of his people. He talked about how that even though God works through individuals, that he always wants his people to walk with him. That was true for the nation of Israel and that is true for his church today. The older campers were encouraged to go and pray about the things they had heard.

The golden brooms were won by the X-men for the boys, and Brianna McVey's for the girls.

The afternoon activities were sweetheart kickball for the younger and the hike to the bottom of the falls for the older campers. I'm always amazed at the apprehension that the younger campers have before the game. Before the game they are given a talk. Jonathan gave the talk to the boys, and Kendall Hooper gave the talk to the girls. The first year campers take in these talks with wide eyes. Sweetheart kickball was a big topic of conversation among the younger campers today.

On the hike to the bottom of the falls, our older campers received a big compliment. Steve Gaines had a conversation with a gentleman on the trails who commented on how courteous and nice our campers were on the trail. Apparently this gentleman encountered another group that was rude and had practically forced him off the trail.

Tonight we went to the pool. The campers enjoy playing in the pool, jumping off the diving board, and sitting together and talking. The contest tonight was a "synchronized" diving contest. The campers tried jumping off both diving boards in unison.

Entertainment was provided by Larry Beard, Danny Gregg, and Lisa Greg. Colton Sweet performed Long Black Train. Frank Batson provided the bass on Elvira. Michael Clinger, Trey Clemmer, Grayson Erwin, and Carson Gregg gave us a rendition of "Sweet Home Alabama".  David Peden and Kyle Taylor provided choreography for wild fire. Steve Gaines, Billy Seal also joined in the singing.

Tonight ended with some worship in the mess hall for all campers, and then in the B Lodge for older campers.

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