Wednesday, June 27, 2012

We woke up today to an absolutely beautiful morning. The weather up to this point has been quite pleasant. We understand that hot weather is coming in a couple of days, but we are enjoying the good weather while we can.

Today starts the second full day of camp and we are falling into a routine. Breakfast, flag raising, cabin cleaning, staff meeting and then morning devotional. We have some of our young men lead a part of the morning devotional, and Jonathan Clinger's cabin led that part this morning.

Today we started exploring Scene two from our movie theme: "Man walks away from God ".

Danny led the Bible classes for the older campers and Donna King led the classes for the younger campers. Danny talked about how when God come looking for man in the cool of the day that he found that man had put himself in another story. However, even though man walked away from God, God still provided for the man in the form of skins for clothing. Danny talked about how something had to die for man to be clothed, and how that was pointing to Jesus. Danny also talked about how in temptation there is always a promise of something better, but the story of temptation comes up empty.

Donna showed the campers some items, one being unlimited money. The catch was that the campers would have to walk away from everything, starting with camp and including everyone they love including their families. No was one willing to take those terms. She walked them through the story in Genesis, and ended with an activity where part of the campers were blindfolded, and  paired them with a voice they could trust. They started the activity with everyone separated, and everyone giving instructions at the same time. This represented the situation in the world with competing voices that vie for our attention. She then had their trusted partner come close to them and guide them through a walk that they took.

Yesterday, the campers put their footprints into sand. Several adults then filled the footprints with plaster of Paris. It was a mad scramble to get the plaster poured before it setup. I'm proud to say that some of the footprints were uncovered today and that the result was wonderful.

In crafts today, they worked on the cabin crafts. Each cabin collectively designed a stepping stone. These stones will be placed in the prayer garden at church. The campers also worked on assorted crafts once they had finished work on the cabin craft.

The older campers played sweetheart kickball today. This activity start with the boys and girls on separate fields playing different games. The boys play kickball with constantly shifting base lines and sometimes two kick balls. The boys play where they get you out by "pegging" you. In contrast to the boy's rough and tumble games, the girls play games such as red rover. After some free play, they start the sweetheart kickball game, with the boys approaching the girls on one knee and asking them to be their "sweetheart" for the game. This entire time allows the kids to play freely and they have a tremendous amount of fun during kickball.

During lunch today, the golden broom was given to Andrew Murray's cabin for the boys and one of Janie Loudermilk's cabins for the girls

The younger campers hiked to the bottom of the falls today. The view of the falls from the bottom is quite amazing. I'm proud to report that all made it down and back up with no problem.

Tonight's entertainment was karaoke. Some of the staff and all of the cabins participated in performing a song they had selected. Camp karaoke night is something that cannot be described, it has to be experienced. Tonight was quite a fun night.

The night ended with a devotional with the campers in the B lodge.

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