Tuesday, June 26, 2012

We woke up to a beautiful morning to start the first day of camp. It is quiet and peaceful here in the mornings with deer grazing around the area. One of the things we experience here at camp is the unparalleled beauty of nature and peace that the setting here at camp gives to us. It truly strengthens our belief in the living God.

The first order of the day is breakfast. Apparently the campers got to bed and got some good rest. We saw a chipper set of campers arriving at breakfast. We will see the march to breakfast be quite a bit slower and the campers grow more groggy as the week wears on.

There are table inspections after breakfast with the losing table having the privilege of cleaning the dining hall.   After the inspections we move outside for the flag talk. Michael Clinger gave the talk and talked about how the flag inspired Francis Scott Key to write the Star Spangled banner, and how we should cherish the flag and the freedom the flag represents.

After the flag raising the campers go to clean their cabins. During that time the non counselor staff meet to get an overview of the day's events, and get in a circle and pray for each camper. This is an activity that takes place each day.

Today the bible classes were led by Russ for the older campers and by Sherry Murray for the younger campers. The classes were centered around Scene 1: God walks with man.

Russ started by sharing how his belief in God was challenged by a college professor. He talked with them about knowing why they believe in God. God is real and that God did create the universe, and created people, and asked why he created people. One of the campers response was... God wants someone to choose to love Him. Psalm 139 he knit us together in our mother's womb. He talked about how we walk with our friends and that God wants us to walk with him.

Sherry  talked to the campers about the Lights, Camera, and Action that is part of our movie theme. The light is the word of God, camera is how we fit in the picture, and action is what are we going to do about being part of the story.

As part of the bible lessons today, each of the campers put their footprint in sand and plaster cast was made. The foot print was to remind them about their walk with God.

A few campers have been to see Nurse Murray with a variety of maladies. We are thankful to report nothing more than a hug and a little rest could not handle.  One of the things she checks for is whether or not the campers have been bitten by the love bug. The strong rumor around camp is that the tooth fairy will be visiting tonight.

The activity today was the nature center hike. The hike is .9 miles starting at the top of the Falls and ending at the nature center. The older campers got to go into the nature center, enjoy the air conditioning and a video on the history of the park. Something was happening in the nature center and so the younger campers did not get to enjoy the air conditioning and video.

During craft time, the campers worked on making candles, making stepping stones, and making washer necklaces. Washer necklaces are made by using standard washers that you can buy at the hardware store and stamping those with metal stamps.

The cabin inspections were won by Cassie Crocker's girls and Drake Akin's boys. The winners get the coveted golden broom while the losers get the privilege of cleaning the bath houses.

Athletics started today with the campers competing in volleyball and softball contests. Church camp games are more about fun and fellowship than about winning. Each camper regardless of their natural athletic talent are able to compete and experience success in these games.

Tonight was camo night. Many of the campers dressed in camouflage attire. The contest tonight was a duck calling contest.  Many of us commented about the impact that reality television has on our culture. We doubted that very many of our campers would know what a duck was if it wasn't for the Duck Dynasty television show.

We ended the day with some devotional time. Spending time in worship is a great way to end the day, and it is also a great blessing to see the campers engaged in the worship.

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